Welcome to Designbase

We hope that you will find inspiration here!

Our team consists of a small group of dedicated individuals who take pride in what we do. We are committed to creative design, space efficiency and personal service.

First started in Singapore in 1990, and then in Kuala Lumpur in 1998, Design Base Sdn Bhd majors in Interior Design Services which include Interior Design Consultancy, Interior Fit-out and Construction for both commercial and residential projects.


Why Design Base

We started our journey in search of good and creative design solutions for our clients. We have explored the various facet of the design challenges, gone through in detail the processes involved, and have brought to fruition many projects… and we continue in the path of learning and experiencing DESIGN.


Mission and vission

We aspire to set trends in the area of providing design solutions that help to enhance lives, making the built environment a better space to live, work and play.



We appreciate honesty and integrity, and it is our desire to establish an environment of trust and accountability both within our team and with our clients.